Why I’m Challenging Myself to Practice Music Every Day for 365 Days

Starting on October 1st, I’m embarking on a personal challenge: to practice music every single day for 365 days. Yes, every day for an entire year. It’s a commitment to my growth, a deepening of my relationship with music, and a way to hold myself accountable to the creative process that means so much to me. And I’d love for you to join me in this journey.

Through my Instagram account, Alchemy of Music, I’ve realized that music isn’t just something I do—it’s who I am. But like many musicians, I’ve faced periods of inconsistency, where I let other things get in the way of my practice. This challenge is about shifting that. It’s about showing up every day to reaffirm my identity as a musician. By creating a daily habit, I want to honor the art, stay connected to my passion, and explore where consistent effort takes me.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to join the challenge and share your own musical journey alongside mine. Together, we can support one another, stay inspired, and build a community of musicians committed to their craft.

Why I’m Doing It

I’ve always believed in the transformative power of music, not just as a form of expression, but as a tool for personal growth. But more than that, music has the ability to alchemize – to take raw emotions, experiences, and energy and turn them into something beautiful. That’s why I named my IG account Alchemy of Music.

This challenge is about committing to that process. By practicing every day, even for just 10 minutes, I’m creating space for the alchemy of music to happen. It’s not about perfection or mastery, but about showing up and allowing the music to flow. In this way, I’m reinforcing my identity as a musician. The daily practice becomes a reminder: "This is who I am. This is what I do."

Music isn’t just something that happens when we perform or record. It’s a process, a journey, and a daily practice. The more we show up, the more deeply we connect with that part of ourselves. That’s why this challenge is so meaningful to me—it’s a way to cultivate the discipline, creativity, and identity of being a musician.


The more we show up, the more deeply we connect with that part of ourselves that is a musician.

The Rules of the 365-Day Music Journey

Here are the guidelines I’ve set for myself – and for anyone who wants to join me on this journey:

  1. Minimum 10 Minutes a Day: The goal is to practice music every day, but it doesn’t have to be hours at a time. Some days will be busy, some days will be full of inspiration. But as long as you pick up your instrument (or your voice) and commit to at least 10 minutes of practice, it counts. The key is to show up daily, no matter how much time you have.

  2. Be Intentional: Whether you’re learning a new song, improvising, or working on technique, practice with intention. Let your daily sessions serve as a space for exploration, growth, and connection to your instrument.

  3. No Judgment: Not every day will feel like a breakthrough, and that’s okay. This challenge isn’t about being perfect or creating a masterpiece every time you play. It’s about consistency, so let go of any judgment or self-criticism. If you are struggling with this, this blog post on Non Attachment in Medicine Music might be helpful.

  4. Track Your Progress: Make notes on your daily practice. For example you can share your daily practice journey on Instagram or another platform. If you prefer to be more private, you can also take notes in your journal: Reflect on your growth, what you learned, and how it felt to show up that day.

  5. Connect with the Community: This challenge is even more meaningful when done with others. Support each other, offer encouragement, and share tips. We’re all in this together!


To document my journey and stay accountable, I’ll be using the hashtag #AlchemyOfPractice on Instagram, where I’ll share daily updates on my practice, reflections, and progress. The name ties into my belief that music is an alchemical process – transforming effort and intention into growth, connection, and creativity.

If you feel inspired to join me, I encourage you to use the hashtag too.

This way, we can keep each other updated on our daily practice, celebrate milestones, and support one another when things get tough. By using #AlchemyOfPractice, we’ll build a community of musicians committed to showing up every day, no matter what.


‘Music isn’t just something I do—it’s who I am.’ This challenge is about showing up every day to reaffirm that identity.

Why This Challenge Matters: Reinforcing Your Identity as a Musician

One of the most powerful aspects of this challenge is how it helps to reinforce our identity as musicians. When we commit to practicing music every day, we are reinforcing the belief that this is who we are. It’s no longer something we do when we have time or when inspiration strikes – it becomes part of our daily life.

This kind of commitment creates a powerful shift in mindset. Daily practice builds discipline, but it also nurtures the creative spark. Over time, the simple act of showing up every day helps us internalize the idea that “I am a musician”. The more we practice, the more that identity becomes ingrained in us. And with that comes confidence, clarity, and a deeper connection to our art.

Moreover, committing to a daily practice is a way of honoring our future selves. When we show up today, we are investing in the musician we want to become tomorrow. It’s not about instant results, but about sustained growth over time. If you want to dive deeper into The Power of Consistency in Practice, I’ve shared some thoughts in a blog post recently.


Committing to daily practice helps us internalize the idea that 'I am a musician,' building confidence and connection.

Join Me on This Journey

Whether you’re an experienced musician or just starting out, I invite you to join me in this 365-day challenge. Together, we’ll explore what it means to practice music consistently, to show up even on the days when it feels hard, and to celebrate the moments of inspiration that come from being dedicated to our art.

This journey isn’t about perfection or performance – it’s about committing to the process, growing as musicians, and building a community of like-minded people who love music as much as we do.

Start Date: October 1st, 2024
Hashtag: #AlchemyOfPracticew

If you’ve been looking for a way to deepen your connection to music, grow your skills, or simply create a daily habit of playing, this challenge is the perfect opportunity. I can’t wait to see how the practice transforms us over the next year. Let’s turn our daily music practice into a journey of alchemy – one note, one rhythm, and one day at a time.

Will you join me?

Let’s begin this transformative journey together.


The Challenge in a Nutshell


Follow my Journey on Instagram


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