What does music mean to you?

Hey, I'm Sarah. I'm honored that you've found your way to this section of my website and want to get to know me.

One of my favorite questions to ask is: “What does music mean to you?” Hearing people's answers never stops amazing me. It seems like each person has their own unique relationship with music. Learning about you through your connection with music is fascinating.

For me, music has always been a form of self-expression that allows me to connect deeply with my emotions, especially when I couldn't put my feelings into words: anger, hurt, devastation, sadness, joy, exuberance, silliness. As a child, Music and Art were my preferred languages. I've always been good with words, but spoken communication served the outer world—the teachers, the grown-ups, the people holding power over me. It was expression for others. But if I truly wanted to connect with myself, Music and Art were my refuge, my way of navigating my inner world.

Music for me was never about performance but an authentic way of being. This is one reason why, for most of my adult life, I repressed that side of myself and hid behind my extroverted, bubbly personality and strong verbal articulation skills. In many ways, it felt too vulnerable to be seen in this more introverted part of my being. Even today, this remains true: being seen in my music means being witnessed in my essence.

During the self-exploration of my twenties, I reconnected with this side of myself and began longing to make it visible, allowing my inner voice to be heard. It took deep inner work and the help of plant medicine and exceptional teachers like Milli Moonstone and Luz Do Sol to gently bring that inner voice to the outer world, allowing me to flourish as a musician.

And here I am now, sharing my music with you as an artist—and also sharing my journey with music. I believe this world needs every artist, especially those who have been suppressed. Something within them is dormant, waiting to be heard, seen, and witnessed. Next to offering my music in ceremony, it brings me great pleasure to coach other into reflecting their truest self through their music.

Let’s walk together on the path of unfolding your musical potential, shall we?

Music offers a window into the purest, most authentic essence of its creator.

My Mission

Then coming in contact with plant medicine, such as magic truffles, I fell in love with ceremonial Music. It was love at first sight. Over the years, and many plant medicine ceremonies later, I have learned to myself give support to the inner work of others with my music. Deepening it. Unlocking buried emotions inside of them. This is truly the greatest blessing I could ever have imagined as an artist.

One of the things I really appreciate about music is its ability to enhance any kind of experience. Whether it's a joyful celebration or a moment of quiet reflection, music has this incredible power to touch people's hearts and bring out their emotions.

My deep conviction is, that the power to create music, that touches hearts and souls, resides in each one of us - also in you. It is one of my greatest honors to be trusted

I feel incredibly lucky to be able to share my passion for music with others. It's a privilege to be able to create something that has the potential to make a difference in someone's life, even if it's just for a moment.

milestones of my life

Since 2017, I have been continuously training to expand my skills as a practitioner and coach. The foundation of my work is my experience as a systematic experiential educator. Many of the coaching skills I apply, I have learned through the communicative structure of Theta Healing and my training as a Breathwork Facilitator.

Each training has helped me to deepen my skills and knowledge and to gain a better understanding and tools for facilitating development processes, as well as supporting in personal, spiritual and artistic growth.

  • September 2016 - July 2017

    Training at the N.E.W. Institut under the direction of Leif Cornelissen & Thomas Elgner in Freiburg, DE.

  • October 2017

    Workshop at the N.E.W. Institute under the direction of Joe Provisor in Freiburg, DE.

  • November 2018

    Workshop with Kathinka Marcks and Daniel Hoeckendorf in Freiburg, DE.

  • September 2019 - September 2021

    Head of Systemic Experiential Education Training with Stephan Straub at the N.E.W. Institut in Freiburg, DE.

  • February 2022

    Breathwork Facilitator Training under the direction of Mela Mariposa, in Alentejo, PT.

  • March - April - 2023

    Basic DNA, Building DNA, Dig Deeper, You & Creation

    All seminars under the direction of Rouven Will, Hamburg, DE.

  • April 2023

    Workshop on embodiment and touch in transformative settings with Rita Bozi at the Communitas Collective in Hilversum, NL.

  • Mai - November 2023

    A harm reduction course
    for facilitators in
    non-traditional contexts from ICEERS, online.